Relationships: How To Rekindle Love

how to rekindle love
how to rekindle love

Listen Again

Oftentimes, when hustle and bustle of life imposes itself on a relationship the result is that couple no longer pay proper attention to each other. Feeling un-regarded, and ignored are major killers of love and romance. Where there was once openness and anticipation, pride, anger and bitterness sets in. The rest becomes history.

To rekindle love, couples must make the effort and time to talk and listen to each other. Stop everything, make eye contact, focusing solely on what the other person has to say. Doing this reciprocally will bring great changes in a struggling relationship. For one thing, a lot of misunderstandings will be resolved but beyond that, this seemingly little effort speaks volumes of sacrifice and commitment.

Hearts always melt when people can see and feel that the one they want, wants them back.

Ask About Their Day

It seems like a little thing but asking how your partner’s day went and showing genuine interest in their response does rekindle love. It opens the door for other interesting and important conversations, It makes rooms for laughter and spontaneous play.

You can never tell what would happen if you just (genuinely) cared and asked, “how was your day?”

Be Deliberate About Finding your Groove

how to rekindle love
how to rekindle love

You have find that love rhythm all over again and you can wait until you feel mushy mushy again. You’re both older now with a lot of responsibilities and a lot of water under the bridge, if you don’t rekindle that love intentionally, it may fall back in God’s hands.

Find time to do something you both enjoy regularly, have date nights. Surprise each other; surprise gifts, surprise kisses, surprise dates, surprise love-making and other surprises you can think of. Be deliberately creative, be tenacious and consistent about your love and you’d be surprised how things will fire up.