#HappyVal Three Unconventional Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

#HappyVal Three Unconventional Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine season has become the season of love all over the world. People try to show their loved how much they love them with gifts, surprises, and getaways. Unfortunately, many of these activities only end with valentine season. As soon as Valentine’s Day is over, many go back to being ignored by their spouses, taken for granted by friends and family and being underappreciated by those who did so much in one day.

However, one of the scary things that accompany the Valentine season is the craze to hook up with anyone available by some people who find themselves to be single around the love season. This behaviour led many to great regrets; some have been defrauded, others have put themselves in great danger while others have left feeling empty.

Valentine’s Day is meant to be commemorative day when we remind ourselves of the importance of love not a day to go into frenzy and try to cram all our love needs in. One way to re-establish or maintain a balance perspective is to move away from romantic t gestures and tokens of love, and engage in other practices of love whether you are hooked up or not.

Here are three meaningful ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day that may not be conventional:

Make Long Overdue Apologies

Is there someone that you need to make amends with? Have you hurt someone badly and simply swept it under the carpet? Or maybe the fault is not completely yours but an important relationship in your life has gone to pieces because both of you let it slip? You can have a fulfilling Valentine’s by reaching out to make amends with those with whom you’ve been too proud, too timid or sanctimonious to reconcile with before.

It will be a good way to honour someone you care about.

Random Acts of Kindness

Spend the day with that elderly neighbour who seems to be all alone, volunteer to help your sister babysit so she and her husband can spend the day together in peace, take all the money you were saving up for gifts and donate it to charity or take Some Valentine’s goodies to the prison to put a smile on some inmates faces. .

There are a millions ideas for doing some random acts of kindness during this Valentine’s Day. You can surely come up with one if you wish and if you can’t, there’s always the popular ones of visiting an orphanage or homeless shelter. It will be fulfilling.

Spend the Day on Yourself

We need to learn to love ourselves in order to be able to love others appropriately.

One way to spend Valentine’s Day, whether you are in a relationship or not, is to spend the day by yourself doing anything of your choice to remind yourself of how worthy of love and appreciation you are.