How To Prevent Your Technology Devices From Causing Problems in Your Home

Using technology devices wisely

Technology has come to stay and is consistently increasing in its relevance to our everyday lives; we can hardly do without it now. So, we need those phones, laptops, tablets, etc., more than ever now because we can’t seem to live without them anymore.

But what do we do when those things that are supposed to be making our lives better seem to be ruining it? What do we when our love and family life begins to suffer because of how much time we spend on the phone or on the internet?

While technology has helped many a relationship flourish because now people can reach other via t texts, calls, video calls and stay in touch more than ever, it is also wrecking great havoc and writing the obituary of many relationships.

For anyone who wants to maintain healthy relationships, they must have a plan for how to keep excesses that come with use of electronic devices, out or their relationships and homes.

Here are some practical things that can be done to prevent our technology devices from becoming a problem in our homes:

Divide Your Time and Space Properly:

If you’re someone who works from home and has to be on the computer, phone, and the internet for long hours, it will better if you create a set time within which you would work daily except your business requires more flexibility.

You should also create a space where you will be out of sight when working so that your partner or family members can realize that you may not be accessible during such periods. This is because  if you stay where they keep seeing you, they may want to converse with you or ask you for favours which you may not be able to attend to. Your inattentiveness and their constant interruptions may cause irritation and anger on both sides.

Let your boundaries be clear so that you don’t seem  to be available when you’re not.

Excuse Yourself

If you need to check your phone, make a call or surf the net when you’re supposed to be spending time with your spouse or kids, you need to cultivate the habit of asking permission and excusing yourself.

People feel a lot of anger when people keep looking through notifications and messages or calling or texting in the middle of conversation or family time. It builds up resentment because it gives an impression that you do not regard them or their company.

Taking permission or excusing yourself is a mark of respect and respect is important in relationships. If you have young children, raise them to imbibe this habit too.

Create a “No-Technology” Time

It may not be a large amount of time, but creating a time where everyone switches off their gadgets helps to open the lines of communication in a marriage or a home. It also reinforces the feeling that the relationship or family is important while also reminding us how to be social and listen to others.

This is a good practice especially in a home where there are young children; they can grow up with an example that doesn’t solely involve everyone looking down to their phones or laptops.

Include Your Loved-Ones in Your Use of Technology

Send a text or smiley to your spouse or kids while you’re at work. Call, chat or e-mail them often even if you don’t live apart; don’t let them feel locked out of what you’re doing on your phone or computer.

Doing these will show them that they are always on your mind, and that their place in your life is important. This is because many partners, parents and children often become resentful of family members who are overtly mysterious and aloof about their devices and activities on the web. It may even breed suspicion.

Be Transparent

Even when it is something confidential that you may not be able to share with them, let your partner and loved ones understand the nature of what you do with your technology devices. Where you have room to be completely transparent, then do so. When people have idea of what you’re doing, they can trust you better and be less apprehensive or resentful.