13 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism

13 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism

15 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism
Egg: 13 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism

Here are the 13 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism;

Egg yolks are the single best dietary source of the B vitamin choline, an essential nutrient used in the construction of all the body’s cell membranes. Choline deficiency is linked directly to the genes that cause visceral fat accumulation, particularly in the liver. Yet according to a 2015 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, only a small percentage of all Americans eat daily diets that meet the U.S. Institute of Medicine’s Adequate Intake of 425 mg for women and 550 mg for men.

Grapefruit: 15 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism


Plenty of studies have shown that grapefruit stands alone as a particularly powerful weight-loss food. One study in the Journal of Medical Food found that people who ate half a fresh grapefruit a day lost 3 ½ pounds in 12 weeks despite making no changes in diet or exercise. And pair it with green tea, as part of the 17-Day Green Tea Diet. Its metabolism-boosting compounds, called catechins, increase metabolism and speed the liver’s capacity for turning fat into energy.

Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is another protein enriched food to boost your metabolism. Mix some cocoa powder into your smoothie for a boost of more than just flavor. In addition to delivering a gram of protein for every 12 calories, it will also give you 4 grams of fat-burning fiber and 20% of your daily value for the essential muscle-making mineral manganese.

13 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism
Sweet Peas: 13 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism

Sweet peas

Like all legumes, peas are great sources of protein. But you can get an additional boost from sweet peas, the kind that come in their own edible pods (also known as mange tout). Eat them raw or steam them and top with a dab of butter and some sea salt, or use them in these soup recipes. You’ll get a gram of protein for every 15 calories you consume.


Broccoli rabe

This bitter cousin to your bland, boring broccoli has one of the highest protein-per-calorie ratios in the plant world: 1 gram of protein for every 8.7 calories. A serving will give you 3.3 grams for just 28 calories—that’s more protein than a spoonful of peanut butter.

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Avocados: 13 Protein Rich Foods To Boost Your Metabolism


High in healthy monounsaturated fats, avocados, one of the essential superfoods, also deliver a surprising dose of protein. Another reason to make guacamole your go-to appetizer.

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