Warning! 18 Foods You Shouldn’t Refrigerate

Hot Sauce

You can actually store hot sauce, along with various other condiments such as Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, and sriracha, outside of the fridge and in a pantry for up to three years.


The biggest problem with storing tomatoes in the fridge is that the cold temperature begins to play havoc with the texture and makes the tomato mealy. If you want to obliterate all of the flavor and texture of a good tomato then refrigerate it. If you want your tomatoes to ripen faster, however, store them out of the fridge in a paper bag.


When you refrigerate or freeze coffee you are actually going to get a drastically different flavor. This is due to condensation. This is true for both coffee beans and coffee grounds. The trouble with coffee is that’s practically a sponge with smells around it, so if placed in the fridge, the coffee will begin to absorb any smell that’s in your fridge and the whole batch will never go back to it’s original flavor. The best way to store coffee is in an air tight container in your pantry.

Salad Dressings

Just like other condiments, most salad dressing, especially ones that are vinegar or oil-based, are just fine stored outside the fridge. However, cream, yogurt, or mayo-based dressings should be stored in the fridge.

Winter Squashes

Whether it is an acorn squash, a butternut, or a spaghetti squash you will get far more flavor and enjoyment if you leave it in the pantry. On top of that the squash will last about a month or longer out of the fridge.


When you put oils, whether it is olive oil or vegetable oil, in the fridge they will actually get thick and begin to look murky and cloudy. In fact, the only oils that you must refrigerate are nut based oils. You are best simply keeping your oils in the pantry.

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