Common pains you experience and their meaning

Common pains you experience and their meaning

Common pains you experience and their meaning

It can be very hurting and embarrassing having any type of pain.

It’s of a truth that every one has experienced that occasional diarrhoea, testifying to how uncomfortable stomach pains can be. There are however different types of pains and each different one can give an indication of what’s going on in our digestive tract.

Below are the six common stomach pain symptoms and what they actually seem to be telling you about your health.

1. Stomach Pain, Bloody Diarrhoea and Fever

Its symptoms may be accompanied with bloating, cramps, gas, nausea and bloody faeces which are all indications of Crohn’s disease or colitis. Try see a doctor to prescribe anti-inflammatory medication or advise in the best treatment route to follow.

2. Burning Sensation In The Stomach

You know any kind of severe pain accompanied with burning sensation in the stomach immediately after eating symbolizes peptic ulcer. Do you feel this pain? Try staying off non-steroidal drugs and pain relievers such as ibuprofen which aggravates ulcers. Depending on the severity of the pain, you may need to explore the options of medications or surgery, depending on which your doctor finds appropriate.

3. Heart/Chest Burns

The chances are that when you’re experiencing a burning sensation in your chest, then it shows you have acid re-flux. When this (acid re-flux) occurs, hydrochloric acid in your stomach literally washes back up into your chest. Lots of people tend to experience this burning sensation right below their breastbone.

Research has no general solution to heartburn problems and the foods that trigger this sensation differs from one person to another. The moment you’re able to identify the cause of your heartburn, then you can remove them from your diet to stop the pain. Also its best for you to sleep at an angle of 15 degrees with your upper body slightly raised. It is to help you keep your stomach acid in their normal environment.

4. Pain Under The Ribs

Chronic pain under the ribs is most likely to be gallstones. These gallstones are basically lumps of bile and cholesterol which can be as large as a pool ball. Irrespective of the size, any form of obstruction in the gallbladder can result in severe pain that worsens immediately after having a meal. Females are more predisposed to having gallstones due to use of contraceptives which inhibit the hormone oestrogen. Gallstones are not of any serious medical concern but surgery maybe required to remove them to stop the pain.

5. Chronic Diarrhoea and Cramps

Chronic diarrhoea may occur as a result of an allergic reaction to gluten and is usually accompanied by cramps after eating food containing gluten. The ideal thing to do is to test your reaction to certain foods and consult a medical practitioner on how best you can eliminate them. If you have severe allergic reaction, you may also want to consider asking a nutritionist on the food regimen to follow that will reduce your symptoms while guaranteeing you adequate nutrients.

6. Belly Button Pain

Are you experiencing any form of dull pain around the belly button? then that is most probably due to appendicitis. If not cared for by a physician, the pain will worsen and you will experience discomfort around your right hip bone. The best thing to do is to get to a hospital and get an apendectomy surgery done as if you don’t have it removed as soon as possible, your appendix may rupture which can be very dangerous.