10 Instances That Money May Cause Problems in a Relationship

10 Instances That Money May Cause Problems in a Relationship

things couples fight about
couple fighting over money

Money is a delicate issue and in any relationship, it is wise to treat it with wisdom. In many marriages and relationships today, money is the number 1 issue causing all the problems. Indeed many marriages have ended in divorce because of what seemed like a minor financial issue. As with many other issues in marriage and relationships there is need for partners to deal with each other with honesty, openness and accountability.

Here are 10 instances that money causes problems inmarriages and relationships

When one or both partners are too extravagant

When one partner is too stingy

When one or both partners are too money-conscious; they judge everything by its monetary worth and how it can benefit them.

When one or both partners is always talking about money even in emotional and heart-to-heart conversation.

When one or both partners is worried about finances and making money

When one or both partners make it clear that they are unwilling to disclose their financial status

When one or both partners threaten the other with financial deprivation if offended

When partners hide and lie about their finances

When one or both partners trust friends and family more with their finances than their partner

When one or both parties refuse to be financially accountable.