What is Quinsy? Its Symptoms And Treatment


– Some facts that you need to know about quinsy.

– The symptoms, causes, and complications of this condition.

Quinsy refers to a condition that involves a painful pus-filled inflammation or abscess of the tonsils and surrounding tissues. It is a complication that relates to tonsillitis.

However, to understand this condition, it is important to break down some terminologies.

An abscess is a cavity that occurs due to tissue destruction, usually because of infection.

A pus is a whitish-yellow substance that is composed primarily of dead white blood cells and dead pyogenic bacteria or bacterial infection.

Quinsy can also be called peritonsillar abscess. When this occurs, one can see pus in the area surrounding the tonsils and can also be at the walls of the throat.

Also, this condition can affect either a side of the tonsil or throat and it can also affect both sides.

Although, peritonsillar abscess which affects both sides of the throat is rare while abscess on one side of the throat is very common.

Usually, it is the spread of bacterial infection that causes tonsillitis. This complication can affect children, teenagers, and even adults. Although, it is most common to teenagers.

Causes of quinsy.

There are certain symptoms that accompany this condition, some of the symptoms of quinsy include the following;

1. A sore throat and this sore throat worsens in a rapid manner. Also, this sore throat is usually on one side.
2. Pain in the throat and the swelling of the throat is also a symptom.
3. Also, the sufferer will experience a great difficulty in swallowing.
4. Also, there will be an extension of the pain to some other parts of the body. headaches can occur.
5. Bad breath can also occur due to the fact that the affected individual might find it difficult to open the mouth, this will cause bad breath.
6. Fever might also occur.

Also, it is important to know that failure to treat this condition in good time can lead to serious medical emergencies.

Ways to treat it include;

  • The use of Intravenous antibiotics to clear any infection.
  • Drainage and incision to remove the pus.
  • Doctors can also carry out a tonsillectomy which is an operation to remove your tonsils.
  • Painkillers or pain relievers can also be effective.