Malaise: Major Causes And Common Symptoms


– How to know whether you are experiencing malaise.

– The symptoms and treatments of this condition.

Each of us at one stage or the other experience angst and we also feel unease. We also experience an unexplainable boredom or a weird lack of interest in things going on around us.

Each time we experience this we always wonder, what can this be? Is it just tiredness or is it fatigue? Am I feeling sick or do I just need rest? and many other questions run through our minds.

Simply, this is what we refer to as ‘malaise’. This is a feeling of general bodily discomfort, fatigue, and unpleasantness.

A malaise also refers to a feeling of mental depression, a feeling of great sadness.

This condition often occurs at the onset of an illness or the flu.

When you have a malaise you will be anxious, miserable, unsure, uneasy as well as uncomfortable about the things around you.

In simple terms, malaise is a feeling of being unwell, there will be a general discomfort in the body but often times, you will not feel any actual pain.

One surprising fact about this condition is that the cause is not known. Some people might think it is because of sleep deprivation but malaise is not a consequence of insufficient sleep.

This condition may also serve as a warning for an impending or upcoming illness. However, this condition can last for weeks, months and even years in some individuals.


Also, this condition might continue through a particular disease and also, it may sometimes persist even after other disease symptoms have cleared.

During this condition, the sufferer might experience a loss of appetite, fever and a headache, body weakness, sleepiness and sometimes drowsiness.

However, it is important that you seek medical advice and counseling during this condition. Do not keep to yourself, open up to someone ( most especially a doctor).