Ladies! 7 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat During Your Period

Foods You Shouldn’t Eat During Your Period

Foods You Shouldn't Eat During Your Period
Foods You Shouldn’t Eat During Your Period

Some of the food ladies eat while they’re on are part of the causes of cramps and discomfort. Avoiding some set of food might actually make your period come and go easily. Here are some food that you should consider not eating while you’re on. Read below;

Sugary Foods

Due to hormonal changes during menstruation, blood sugar levels become unstable, and many women crave sweets. Eating foods high in sugar adds to your blood sugar fluctuations, resulting in mood swings and tension. In addition, consuming refined, sugar-rich foods can contribute to immune system imbalance and fatigue. Instead of reaching for a doughnut to satisfy your sweet tooth, have a fiber-rich fruit salad topped with low-fat yogurt.

Foods High in Fat

High-fat foods have a strong influence on hormonal activity in your body, according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Hormone changes during the menstrual cycle are linked to symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness. On the other hand, consuming a diet low in saturated fats helps reduce excess estrogen levels, according to Balch and Stengler. Avoid foods such as fatty cuts of beef, whole-milk dairy products, sausages and burgers. Focus instead on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean cuts of poultry and meat.

Ice cream

Dairy products are high in fats and therefore have the same effects as fatty meats. Of course, this also goes for cheeses and cream. When cooking, try to avoid cheesy or creamy dishes, and if you really need a scoop of ice cream, look for a non-dairy gelato without added sugars.

Processed foods

Processed foods are a quick and easy choice, but they can make you feel even worse. For instance, canned foods and chips contain large amounts of sodium, which can cause discomfort and bloating. Choose wholesome foods and healthy snacks, such as a handful of unsalted nuts.

Caffeinated Foods and Beverages

Caffeine is a stimulant that occurs naturally in plants, such as tea, coffee and cocoa beans. It’s also added to various diet products and beverages. While caffeine affects people differently, it can contribute to irregular periods. Caffeine can also worsen agitated moods, sleep difficulties and menstrual pain. To avoid these risks, limit your intake of energy drinks, coffee, black tea, soft drinks, chocolate and coffee-flavoured sweets.


Any form of alcohol increases pre-menstrual depression. The thing is, alcohol can act as a blood thinner, increasing your flow and causing more discomfort.

Refined Grains

Refined grains lose much of the original grain’s nutrient content during food processing. As a result they can interfere with blood sugar and appetite control between meals — factors that can worsen menstrual symptoms. For reduced menstrual pain, the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends limiting refined foods, such as white bread, enriched pasta and sugary sweets, and opting for whole grains instead. Other common refined grain products include instant rice, low-fiber cereals, pretzels and commercially prepared cookies, cakes and pastries.

Foods You Shouldn’t Eat During Your Period