Causes, Symptoms And Treatments For Diarrhea


– What are the causes of diarrhea?

– What are the effective ways of stopping loose motion?

Diarrhea refers to a condition in which an individual has frequent and watery bowel movements. The sufferer experiences watery bowel excretion.

People also refer to this condition as ‘loose motion’ because it involves a frequent loose watery bowel motions.

This passage of loose and watery stool is often accompanied by cramps, flatulence, bloating, abdominal discomfort and even headaches ( in rare occasions).

This condition can be annoying and embarrasing, especially if it occurs when you are in a public place. It is worse if it happens when you are traveling and you cannot access any public toilet, ooops! So bad!

If diarrhea lasts for more that few days, it can exhaust the sufferer and can cause weakness and dehydration. Lack of energy can also occur.

The major causes of loose motion include the following;

  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Food poisoning or infection by bacteria.
  • Allergic reactions to food.
  • Overeating.

    Causes of diarrhea.
  • Eating unwashed or unripe fruits.
  • Consumption of foods that are not well cooked is also a cause.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Chronic bowel infection.
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, etc.

Symptoms of diarrhea include; loose, watery bowel motions (stools, faeces), frequent visits to the toilet, cramps, abdominal pain, body weakness, vomiting, etc.

Some ways to prevent loose bowel motions also include;

  • Wash your hands before eating.
  • Watch what you eat.
  • Do not eat unripe fruits.
  • Avoid eating spoilt or contaminated foods.
  • Have a good hygiene
  • Avoid dehydration, take lots of water everyday.
  • Some of the ways to treat diarrhea are;

1. Stop the consumption of what you think might be the cause of the loose bowel motions at that instance.

2. Take medications that relief and stop diarrhea.

3. If the condition lasts for more than few days, see a doctor.

4. Avoid eating spicy foods, fruits, alcohol, and caffeine until the symptoms stop.