10 Ways To Quit Sugar Addiction

chocolate lifestyle 9jastreet

Avoid Dried & Canned Fruits

Dried and canned fruits are very bad idea when it comes to stopping sugar addiction. Food manufacturers often add sugar, juice concentrates, and syrups to extend their fruit’s shelf life and improve the flavor.

Eat Dark Chocolate 

Reach for the dark chocolate instead of milk, which has nearly twice the sugar content. Dark chocolate also has four times more iron and belly-filling fiber than it’s milkier counterpart.

Eat More Fresh Tomato

Food manufacturers still add sugar to canned tomatoes despite that its naturally sweet. Since store bought tomato sauce is often made with things like dehydrated tomatoes and cheap oils, they rely on the sweet stuff to amp up the flavor.

Avoid Ketchup

According to USDA experts, two tablespoons of ketchup have just over 7 grams of sugar, while the same serving of salsa carries just 1.4 grams. Thankfully, burgers and eggs taste just as tasty, regardless of which option you use. If saving sugar is your goal, go with the latter one.

Eat More Sea Vegetables

Rich in vitamins and minerals, seaweed or sea vegetables make for a healthy snack! Sea vegetables have a high mineral content, while eating anything with sugar immediately depletes minerals from your body. A true Body Ecology meal would include a portion of sea vegetables somewhere in that meal to ensure that you get the minerals your adrenals need.

Avoid Cereals

Cereals sound healthy but they still contain some level of sugar. Add natural sweetness and flavor to your bowl by pouring in some fresh berries or shredded, unsweetened coconut.