Parents! 12 Foods Your Teenage Kids shouldn’t Eat

Parents! 12 Foods Your Teenage Kids shouldn’t Eat

5-reasons-you-shouldnt-eat-doughnuts Parents! 12 Foods Your Teenage Kids shouldn't Eat

There are some unhealthy foods that most teenagers love to eat especially fast foods. Most of these unhealthy foods have serious health consequences, so it is important to know the ones teens should avoid at all cost. Read the 12 Foods teens should avoid at all cost below;

Hot Dogs

Hot dogs might not be a good idea for teens. A new study found that eating processed meats increases the risk of heart disease and cancer. It is important to know that not all of your pork hot dog’s makeup is the type of meat you might expect. Up to 20% of it can be a paste-like version of pork, which could contain pulverized pieces of bone.


It is wise and healthy for teenagers to stay away from anything that has excess sugar, especially soda. The citric acid used to add flavor and help soda last longer on shelves has been shown to rot teeth down to their core. It is important to stay away.


Most people already understand that doughnuts is not as healthy as we think. Eating too much doughnuts might lead to serious health complications for teens.  Eat one before school and you’ll likely have an energy crash by third period due to a spike—then dip—in blood-sugar levels caused by the high sugar content.

French Fries

A whopping 25 percent of teens’ veggie intake comes from fries, which are super high in fat, sodium, and calories. This might lead to obesity, even heart problem.

White Bread & Rice

White carbs, like bread, pasta, and rice, are made from refined grains—meaning dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins have been removed.  Fiber helps you feel full and provides a steady stream of energy. Without it, you may end up eating more just to feel full.

Canned Soup

Almost all the canned soups contain dangerous amount of sodium. If you’re familiar with side effects of sodium, you’ll know this is unhealthy. One of the most hazardous side effect of excess sodium is  High blood pressure, a condition in which increased force of blood flow stretches artery walls, making the heart work harder.

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