Read How Eating Eggs In The Morning Can Help You Lose Weight

- They’re proven to work: A 2008 study found that obese subjects lost more weight and had a higher reduction in waist circumference when they ate a breakfast of two eggs instead of bagels (both paired with a calorie-reduced diet), even though each group’s breakfast contained the same amount of calories.
- They’re packed with protein: Your morning meal should be full of protein to keep you feeling satisfied until lunch. In fact, many experts say that you should get at least 20 grams of protein with your breakfast to stay full and boost metabolism. The good news? Eating two eggs puts you on the right track – one egg contains about six grams of protein.
- They’re a healthy (and convenient) choice: When you’re starving and in need of something to sate your grumbling stomach, a hardboiled egg can be the quick, low-calorie snack that tides you over until your next meal. Pair one hardboiled egg (78 calories) with an apple (80 calories) for a substantial snack that will keep you satisfied without needing to resort to the vending machine.
Other reasons are
- Eggs score high on the Satiety Index Scale, which means they make you feel more full throughout the day.
- Eggs are low in calories and fat. One large egg contains just 77 calories and five grams of fat.
- They may be small, but each egg is packed full of six grams of protein, as well as all nine essential amino acids. They also rich in iron, phosphorous, selenium and vitamins A, C and B12.
- In addition to being one of the healthiest foods around, eggs are also inexpensive and easy to prepare. Here are a few of our favorite egg-ceptional recipes to give a try tomorrow morning.