10 Natural Remedies For Heartburn

List of natural remedies that help reduce heartburn

6. Potatoes. Other root vegetables are good too, just not onions.

List of natural remedies that help reduce heartburn

7. Fish. Grilled, poached, and baked fish are all good choices. Just don’t fry it or use fatty sauces.Seafood is another staple of The Reflux Diet. It should be baked, grilled never fried just as earlier written.
Shrimp, lobster, and other shellfish are also fine on this diet. Wild fish, not the farm-raised variety, is recommended.

List of natural remedies that help reduce heartburn

8. Egg whites. They’re a good source of protein and are low in acid. Just skip the yolk, which is more likely to cause symptoms.

List of natural remedies that help reduce heartburn

9. Smoking with alcohol equals heart on fire
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol can set you up for terrible heartburn. The nicotine and alcohol both work to weaken your LES, making it that much easier for stomach contents and acid to splash up into your esophagus. Alcohol is also going to irritate your stomach in general. The solution? Quit smoking, and drink less (if at all.) Doing both will improve your health overall, in addition to relieving acid heartburn.

10. For List of natural remedies that help reduce heartburn
Watch how you eat: Don’t put in your mouth at once giant mouthfuls of food. Take smaller bites and eat slowly, allowing your stomach time to digest and without giving it an excuse to pump out excess acid.

Watch what you eat: You’re probably aware that specific foods trigger heartburn, usually foods high in acid (tomatoes or citrus fruits, for example,) or spicy foods. Avoid these as best you can to ward off

Watch when you eat: Don’t eat within 3-4 hours before bed. Lying down puts more pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter and increases the likelihood of acid sneaking through.

List of natural remedies that help reduce heartburn