Guys! 10 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat


Most of the cheese are loaded with synthetic hormones. These could potentially mess with your body’s natural production of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone, thereby screwing with your sex drive.

It is known fact that sugar consumption works against men ability in bed. The sweet stuff increases levels of the hormone insulin, which can cause you to store belly fat, lose muscle mass and causing your testosterone levels to drop. In men, belly fat raises estrogen levels, which can result in low libido and erectile dysfunction

Canned Food
Canned foods and meals are dangerously high in dietary sodium, which can lead to elevated blood pressure and diminished blood flow to certain parts of the body, including the genitals. Reverse the damage with dark chocolate.

Conventionally grown produce with edible skins, particularly berries, have among the highest levels of estrogen-mimicking pesticides. Other culprits: peaches, apples, cherries and kale.

Spiced Foods
According to a study conducted at Oregon State University, strong, heavily scented or spiced foods have the potential to change they way your vagina smells and tastes. These foods and drinks include coffee, onions, garlic and strong spices. Researchers at OSU point out that eliminating these foods and eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables might yield a milder scent and engender more mouth to south resuscitation.