7 Mosquito Bites Prevention Tips You Should Know

8 Hilarious ways to prevent mosquito bites

8 Hilarious ways to prevent mosquito bites
8 Hilarious ways to prevent mosquito bites

According to Womenshare, The way to prevent mosquito bites With Zika virus gradually spreading in Nigeria and spreading rapidly in some parts of America, I know, you’re probably wondering what you can do to avoid mosquitoes especially the  pregnant ones or TTC. While there’s no way you can totally prevent all bites, there are a few steps you can take to drastically cut back on your count”and with it, your risk of Zika exposure. Below are a few tricks to help you stay bite-free:

1. Skip the Floral Fragrances

Some floral scents have been shown to be somewhat attractive to mosquitoes, says Conlon. So it’s probably a good idea to refrain from wearing perfumes if you’re concerned about mosquitoes. What DOESN’T Work Lemongrass, cinnamon oil, cedarwood, and other spices and plants are all touted as natural and safe mosquito repellents, “but unfortunately based on a recent Consumer Reports study, many failed almost immediately,” says Bowe. “Or if they worked at all, they worked for less than an hour.” So while it can’t hurt to use these scents, they can also give you a false sense of security. Eating garlic or lemongrass has been rumored to help repel mosquitoes, but there’s no solid science proving that strategy works, either. And citronella candles and mosquito-repelling bracelets are almost completely ineffective

2. First Things First: Use Repellent

The best way to repel mosquitoes and other disease-carrying bugs is to use a repellent with one of the following EPA-registered ingredients, says; Whitney Bowe, M.D., a New York-based dermatologist.

BAYGON: This one’s the most effective and powerful. Opt for 10 to 30 percent concentration, and avoid products that contain both sun screen and BAYGON. SPF can increase the concentration of the repellent, so put your sunscreen on first and wait 10 minutes before applying BAYGON. Try Off! Deep Woods Insect Repellent

MORTEIN: It’s very similar to a chemical compound found in pepper, making it more natural than BAYGON. Twenty percent picaridin should do the trick. (Both Baygon and Mortein are safe to use in kids age 2 months and up.) Try Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent

Snipers. While oil of Snipers sounds natural, it’s not: Like BAYGON and MORTEIN, it’s also chemically synthesized in lab (it’s also very effective). Just remember: It can only be used in kids 3 and up. And be extra careful applying around the eyes, as there’s a higher risk of irritation and temporary vision issues.

Repellent lasts six to eight hours”in other words, all day. So only reapply if you’re headed back out at night or if you shower with soap and water. Use sprays in a well-ventilated area, and avoid spraying directly onto your face so you don’t breathe in the chemicals. Instead, spritz the repellent into your hands and pat it onto your face. Only apply on skin that’s not covered by your clothes.

Bowe stresses that concerns about the very rare neurological side effects of BAYGON (like disorientation or seizures) are vastly overstated. The dangers of exposure to West Nile, Zika, or Lyme disease far outweigh the risk of these ingredients, she says. In thousands of my patients who use repellents, not one had any side effects. The few cases where side effects have been reported, she adds, were in people who ignored the label and grossly overused the sprays, applying every hour from head to toe.

3. Sport Synthetic Fibers

High-tech athleisure wear and other clothing made out of synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon, and rayon is more tightly-woven, which helps block mosquito bites, says Bowe. Cotton and linen aren’t as effective. Dress in long sleeves and pants to keep more of your skin protected, too.

4. Clear Out the Kiddie Pool

Kiddie pools, trash cans, pots, buckets, toy chests, and anything else that collects rainwater will attract Zika mosquitoes (a.k.a. Aedes aegypti), because that’s where the female bugs the ones that bite lay their eggs, says Bowe. So check around your home after it rains and empty out the water stat to avoid a mosquito infestation.

5. Wear Sneaks

Zika-carrying mosquitoes love feet even more so when they’re in sandals because they’re often sweaty and dirty, says Bowe. So instead of sandals, slip into a cute pair of kicks that cover your feet when you’re outside.

6. Avoid Exercising Outside When Possible

Mosquitoes seek out chemicals in your breath and sweat, especially carbon dioxide, and they’re attracted to movement and heat, says Bowe. That means they’re extra drawn to you when you’re breaking a sweat. What’s more, although peak mosquito hours are generally sunrise and sunset, Zika mosquitoes bite at any time of day, says Joseph Conlon, a retired U.S. navy entomologist and the technical advisor for the American Mosquito Control Association. So, if you can, schedule your workouts inside during mosquito season. And if you have to head outside, be sure to use repellent on exposed skin.

7. Use a Floor Fan Outdoors

Have you noticed that mosquitoes leave you alone in a brisk breeze? That’s because they can’t fly at speeds above 20 mph although most won’t bother you even at 10 mph, says Conlon. Why? Wind disperses the body odors that entice them. “A fan at foot level can effectively repel Aedes aegypti, as it prefers to feed on lower extremities and is easily disturbed,” says Conlon. He says floor fans can be an effective deterrent if they’re directed to blow across your full body.

8. Or Get Clothes Designed to Repel Mosquitoes

Two clothing brands, Nobitech and Insect Shield, are pre-treated with permethrin, a chemical proven to repel mosquitoes, says Bowe. Both brands have been shown to be effective for 25 washings; just avoid dry cleaning. You can also buy permethrin spray and treat your own clothes”just never spray it directly onto your skin (according to the National Pesticide Information Center, this can cause irritation, itching, and possibly even burning). Either way, you’ll still need to wear bug repellenton exposed skin.