6 Foods Singers Shouldn’t Eat

6 Foods Singers Shouldn’t Eat


Salty Foods

Avoid eating salty foods prior to singing, as salt draws moisture out of the body. This can lead to a dry mouth, making it more difficult to sing. Decrease your consumption of foods such as pretzels, salted nuts and foods containing soy sauce to keep your salt intake low and your voice in top shape.

Low Fat Yogurt.

Avoid eating low fat yogurt before singing because once milk is processed into a thick consistency and added with all types of sugar, it loses its health luster. The lactose in yogurt and added sugar content will leave your digestive system with unnecessary work. Your throat will be coated – something you don’t want to experience before a performance.

Foods Containing Caffeine

Singers should avoid any food containing caffeine prior to performance because  caffeine may slowly dry out your throat, which can be a problem when singing. While coffee, tea and soft drinks may contain caffeine, you should also decrease your consumption of chocolate and products containing chocolate, such as chocolate ice cream.


Nuts are healthy for you, but you may be surprised to know that the first ingredient which tends to be the most abundant is sugar. The second ingredient is vegetable oil. Hello? Wasn’t this supposed to come from a hazelnut? Let’s just call this sweet fat with a side of nuts.

Heartburn Triggers

Avoid eating anything you know triggers heartburn, as this condition sends a shower of stomach acid into your esophagus. This may cause inflammation of the vocal cords, which can damage your voice and singing ability. Chocolate, ketchup and other tomato products, fried foods, mustard, citrus, onions, peppermint and vinegar are all common heartburn triggers, so monitor your intake of these foods, especially before a performance.

Dairy Products

Eat dairy products selectively when you are a singer. Too much dairy in your diet, particularly before a performance, can trigger excess mucus production. This may interfere with your ability to sing, as phlegm and mucus can affect the voice. Reduce your consumption of foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream and cottage cheese when you must sing. If you are a professional singer who avoids dairy regularly, you may need to take a calcium supplement to make up for the nutrients you miss in these foods.