Guys, Why you need to Cuddle her at night before Bed

Most men that are attached would find themselves wanting to be able to sleep alone sometimes because their blankets get snatched away, they get kicked at night and worst, if their partners are heavy snorers. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that these men will get exactly what they wish for better sleep. Cuddling up to your partner beside could be the answer on how to sleep better. Read more to find out why!
Women Sleep Just As Well Without A Partner
According to researchers, it can be argued that because men are more prone to sleep apnea, their snoring and loud breathing could be disrupting the deep sleep of which both women and men crave for and thus, women are happy just the same if they’re sleeping with or without a partner.
Adding to this surprising find, psychologist Wendy Troxel isn’t surprised that men fare better on shared beds and said that studies have shown that men are very dependant on close and committed relationships as compared to women. Her research managed to show that married men are much happier and healthier than single men while her findings were very inconsistent among women.
Sleeping Longer and Better Than The Opposite S3x
Recent studies also shows that researchers who posted in the journal, Behavioral Sleep Medicine, revealed that while most men and women reported better sleep when sleeping with a partner, there was one gender who slept longer and knows how to sleep better when curled up alongside their partners and it was the men!
Based on this study, 15 twenty-something couples were made to sleep with each other and alone for 5 consecutive nights in different settings and were instructed to keep a sleep diary and wear activity-monitoring bracelets. Scientists wanted to find out whether different locations such as his or her place and whether sleeping alone or together affects sleep in couples.
As they had revealed in the journal, the location did not matter and couples sleep just as well in each other’s houses. However, women received the same quality of sleep whether it is with a partner or not, which makes us kind of wonder why is it that it defies the evolutionary assumption of women feeling more secure due to their smaller frame and muscles and hence, are able to sleep better than men with a partner.