Healthy Eating: Foods You Should Stop Eating In The Morning

Foods You Should Stop Eating In The Morning

Foods You Should Stop Eating In The Morning

Breakfast is known to be the most important meal. Eating a healthy breakfast every morning can reduce the risk for diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

But do you know that some of the a.m. choices that we make is completely wrong. Here go the foods to avoid for breakfast.

Toast With Margarine

Toast topped with margarine may seem like a good breakfast choice, since it doesn’t contain saturated fat or sugar. Toast with margarine is a bad idea in the morning because the flour in most bread is refined, it provides you with few nutrients and little fiber.

Because it is high in refined carbs and low in fiber, it can spike your blood sugar levels very fast.

Elevated blood sugar leads to rebound hunger that causes you to eat more at the next meal, which can make you gain weight .

Also, most margarines contain trans fats, which are the most unhealthy type of fat you can eat.

Food manufacturers create trans fats by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils in order to make them appear more like saturated fats, which are solid at room temperature.

While studies have not shown saturated fats to cause harm, trans fats are definitely bad for you. There’s a massive amount of evidence that trans fats are highly inflammatory and increase your risk of disease

Sugary cereals and bakery items

Some cereals are full of carbs and sugar. When you eat them, your blood sugarrapidly spikes and then comes down.

It is not right to let your energy crash at the beginning of the day and hence it is best to avoid such cereals and bakery items. Instead, choose cereals with higher fiber and protein. Add flaxseed or walnuts for more of fiber and protein.

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is one of the worst choices you can make if you’re trying to avoid hunger, weight gain and chronic disease.

Some fruit juices on the market actually contain very little juice and are sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. High sugar levels increase your risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and other diseases

Even 100% fruit juice contains a lot of sugar. Consuming large amounts of fruit juice can have the same effects on your weight and health as drinking sugar-sweetened beverages.

Drinking fruit juice causes your blood sugar to rise very quickly because there’s no fat or fiber to slow down absorption. The resulting spike in insulin and drop in blood sugar can make you feel tired, shaky and hungry.

Packaged pancakes & donuts

Packaged pancakes, donuts are sugar-coated or honey-coated and will only satisfy your sweet tooth. Do yourself and your waistline a favor and opt for a whole wheat toast with lite butter.

Store-bought granola

Most store-bought boxes of granola that might appear to be a health mixture of honey, sugar, oats and dried fruit actually contains lot of fat and calories. Many boxed granola also contain lot of hidden sugar, unless you’re reading labels and consciously buying an organic or natural variety made with simple sugars. Otherwise, you’re basically eating dessert for breakfast.

Take-away sandwich

It may have the makings of a balanced breakfast—with egg, meat, cheese, and toast—but when you really break down that breakfast sandwich you’re getting a greasy fried egg, processed ham or bacon and full fat cheese. Instead, make one at home using a poached egg and low fat cheese.