Why You Experience Breathlessness (Dyspnea) And The Ways Out


– The causes of dyspnea.

– The common symptoms and treatments for this condition.

Air is essential to human beings and even all other living things that exist. Without air, respiration cannot take place because, during respiration, we breathe in air and breathe out air as well.

However, when there is an obstruction in the process of respiration, breathless will occur, making it difficult for someone to breathe. When breathless, it means you are with no air.

Dyspnea, difficult respiration, labored respiration, shortness of breath, breathlessness are all the same. They can plague any individual at any time, they are not gendered biased nor age biased.

Also, when an individual is suffering from dyspnea, the person will experience discomfort and difficulty in breathing. A painful, labored or even shallow breathing can also occur.

Breathlessness can either be for a short time and it might be for a long time. Also, the occurrence of dyspnea can be when a person is doing an activity and it can also occur when one is resting or sleeping.

There is often a sensation of a tightening of the chest is one is undergoing this condition, you might also feel suffocated.

There are many factors that contribute to a person developing breathlessness, some of these factors include the following;

1. Lung problems can cause it.
2. Heart problems such as heart failure or abnormal heartbeat are also risk factors for developing dyspnea.

Causes of breathlessness.

3. Asthma otherwise known as bronchospasm is also a cause.
4. Anemia
5. Broken ribs or spinal cord injuries.
6. Pulmonary infection such as pneumonia
7. Excess fluid around the heart can also lead to dyspnea.
8. Smoking and an exposure to chemicals such as carbon monoxide can lead to breathlessness.
9. Obesity or being overweight is another cause.
10. Other health problems that can cause this condition include; a collapsed lung, pulmonary edema, nerve damage, blood clots, etc.

The major symptoms of dyspnea are shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, a feeling of suffocation, and tightened chest.

The major ways to treat this condition include;

  • Oxygen therapy.
  • The use of medications to calm your nerves and enhance better breathing is also effective.
  • Avoid smoking and don’t expose yourself to harmful chemicals.
  • Rehabilitation such as cardiac rehabilitation and pulmonary rehabilitation can also be effective.
  • Exercise and a good diet are helpful.