How to Break Up With Someone You Love

How to Break Up With Someone You Loveunhappy lifestyle Fighting-couple

How to Break Up With Someone You Love; Breaking up is a tricky affair. It can feel liberating, and yet, it can also feel painful. Learn to make the right decision and find out how to break up with your boyfriend the right way.’

Do you want to break up with your boyfriend, but don’t know how to go about it? Before you understand how to break up with your boyfriend, you need to ask yourself two questions.

#1 Why do you want to break up with your guy, and is that factor something he can change for you?

#2 Are you really sure you want to break up?

How to break up with your boyfriend

In almost all relationships, the first break up is never really the final one. It’s surprising, but true.

Almost always, a girl dumps her guy and then realizes that she misses him too much. And one thing leads to another and before you know it, the guy and the girl are back in each other’s arms and going through the same troubling issues all over again.

Before you really try to figure out how to break up with your boyfriend, you need to ask yourself if a break up’s really what you want. It’s never easy to make up your mind though, especially when you’re in a yo-yo relationship full of ups and downs.

We’ve come up with a perfect way to break up, surely and painlessly. Use these steps if you want to break up with your boyfriend. It can help you make up your mind and walk out of the relationship all cleaned up and happier.

Step #1 Let him know you’re not happy

You don’t really need to break up instantly. Even before thinking of breaking up, understand his feelings for you. If you’ve been going through a bad phase in your relationship and are contemplating a break up, let him know that you’re unhappy in the relationship.

Don’t tell him you want to break up, just let him know that you’re not happy with the direction your relationship is heading. Both of you are in love and it would be unfair to spring a surprise on him out of the blue, without really giving your relationship a chance. See if his attitude changes or if he takes an initiative to make you happy.

Step #2 Two weeks notice in love

If a couple of days pass by and he’s still behaving like an annoying jerk, or you’re just not happy in the relationship no matter what, perhaps it’s time to move out of it. But here’s the biggest issue. This is where couples break up and get back together all the time. This is the one phase that needs a lot of attention.

To avoid the heartache of off and on relationships, don’t completely break up with your boyfriend. Instead, tell him you need a break from the relationship for a couple of weeks. Tell him you feel lost in the relationship and want to really think about whether you should stay in the relationship or not.

A trial break up isn’t really a nice thing to do, but if you’re afraid of falling back in love with him, this is a chance to experience love from afar and see if you can really live your own life without him.

He would probably act nicer and stalk you often if he genuinely likes you or if he starts to realize how important you are for him. But this step is for you to find out if you really need him in your life. Dipping your toes into the water is always a good thing to do before taking the plunge into the icy water, don’t you think?

Step #3 Give it a lot of thought

Finding true love is not easy. But most couples give up on a failed relationship really fast. If you’re wondering how to break up with your boyfriend, first give a thought about whether you should stay in the relationship or whether you’d be happier being single or with someone else. Are you really ready to give it all up and walk away, or would you want to get back into his arms again?

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Step #4 Make a list

You know the good times and the bad times in your relationship. Make a list and ask yourself if you’re ready to break up. Remember as much as you can and weigh the pros and the cons. Do you still want to break up?

Step #5 Don’t be fickle minded

Many girls decide to break up on the spur of the moment, and then they regret it or end up feeling more miserable than the guy, especially when the guy decides to walk away. We’re talking about a relationship here, not some shopping sale. If you think you’ll be happier single, then reaffirm that thought and stick with it. Most girls are pretty fickle minded when it comes to a break up, and most guys know that. Don’t be that girl.

Step #6 Talk to him

You’ve told him you’re unhappy, and you’ve had a trial break up, and things haven’t been looking up in love yet? Perhaps, you’re better off being single than with a guy who doesn’t care about you.

Don’t be a coward and break up by changing your relationship status on facebook or texting him. If you really want to know how to break up with your boyfriend, do it the right way. Meet him face to face and tell him you need to break up. You were in a relationship, after all, and you must respect the love both of you shared.

Telling him to his face that you want to break up is not easy, and it’s not supposed to be, if you did love him. But it has to be done. Meet him in a place where you can have your privacy, and yet, a place that’s not too lonely. Even if you’re having a hard time walking away, you should be able to get help if the need arises.

He may try to convince you to stay in the relationship, but you’ve given this enough of thought in the earlier steps. Stay firm and stick to your answer as hard as it may seem.

Step #7 End all contact

This is painful, but inevitable. End all contact with him, at least for a while. Delete his phone number, and remove him from all your friends lists in your social sites and chat networks. You don’t want to bump into him and feel worse.

Step #8 Plan your recovery

This is selfish, especially considering you’ve got a head start, but if your boyfriend doesn’t care about you, why should you care about him? The first one who gets over the relationship is always the happier one .So make sure you find a way to get over him completely. Party, have a rebound relationship, go out with friends or on a vacation, do anything that can take your mind off him and you’ll get over your break up sooner than you think. Move on with your life however hard it may seem. And don’t look back. Break ups are inevitable, and as painful and confusing as it may seem now, you’ll feel a lot better about it a couple of weeks or months from now.

And there we have it, the eight step guide on how to break up with your boyfriend the perfect way.

Use these steps and you’ll save yourself a lot of heartache and pain. And most importantly, you’ll know how to break up with your boyfriend, move on with no regrets, and have a happier life.