– What you need to know about hepatitis B
– How is it different from other viral infections.
Hepatitis B is an acute form of hepatitis but this form of hepatitis is basically transmitted by blood, sexual contact and body fluids.
Also, Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection and the cause of this infection is the hepatitis B virus (HBV). This infection affects adults and it can also affect children and teenagers.
Also, generally, this form of infection occurs in two dimensions; it can either be long-lasting or short-lived. The acute hepatitis b is short-lived while the chronic form is long lasting.
Most adults who get acute form tend to have it for a short time and then get better. But when it is for a long period of time, it is chronic.
However, chronic hepatitis B can damage the liver. It can cause liver failure as well as cancer of the liver (cirrhosis).
Also, some people might have this infection and not know probably because its symptoms are similar to that of flu.
The risk factors of hepatitis b include the following;
1. Having multiple sex partners.
2. Having an unprotected sex with someone who has it is a risk factor.
3. Also, one can contact this infection through open sores and wounds.
4. Sharing needles, syringes, blades and other objects can also lead to this infection.
5. Also, children or infants can contact this infection if the mother has it while pregnant.
6. Another risk factor is living with someone that has this infection.
7. Also, contact with the blood, saliva, semen or vaginal secretions of the person that has is a risk factor.
There are signs and symptoms of this infection and these symptoms range from being mild to being severe.
Also, some of these signs only show months after you have been infected, although some people especially children might not show the symptoms. The common ones include the following;
- Abdominal discomfort and stomach pain.
- Fever and headaches.
- Loss of appetite can also occur.
- Nausea and Vomiting.
- Fatigue
- Dark urine
- Jaundice
- Loose motion, etc.
The moment you notice these symptoms, it is advisable that you contact your doctor for treatment.