Are you depressed?
Depression has been listed as a side effect of diabetes, but recent studies have also found that depression could even be a risk factor of diabetes. In one study, subjects with depression had a 63% increased risk of diabetes. In fact, some physicians believe that depression and diabetes are synonymous diseases, both characterized by powerlessness and a lack of energy that they inflict upon their patients.
Are you watching too much TV?
How much time do you spend actively up and about, rather than just sitting down? It’s nice to relax after a long day, but too much of this sedentary time can be increasing your risk of diabetes. If you work seated at a computer all day or sit and watch TV for hours, every hour spent without some kind of active behavior increases your “risk of developing diabetes by 3.4%”. Even just getting up every half an hour can help keep your body active and decreases this risk.
Are you sweating?
If you really want to be active, though, but the fit life is not for you, start with smaller physical exercises and work your way up. One study showed that if you get in at least 20 minutes of exercise, three or four days of the week, you reduce your risk of diabetes, but it needs to be exercise that makes you sweat. As your body becomes more accustomed to these smaller exercises, you will sweat less. When you notice this happening, add something new into your workout routine.
But what else can you do?
Even by changing these daily habits, you still have other factors to worry about that you can’t control. Learn if there is a history of diabetes in your family, or if you are at greater risk because of your age. If you are at risk, be sure to get tested and look for the signs. With MyHealth Assessment, for example, you can even take an assessment online to receive personalized statements about what you need to do to reduce your risk of diabetes, straight from doctors and other health professionals in the MyHealth Pass program. You can also use online patient advocacy programs to find local health facilities and book appointments with physicians who specialize in diabetes and diseases of the endocrine system.
Although you can’t change where you came from, you can choose where to go from here, so choose to live a little healthier. You’ll reduce your risk of diabetes, but also just feel better, which is worth the effort.
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