Eyes: 6 Foods To Help You See More Clearly
Both eyes are very important part of the body. There are some foods that can help our eyes, making us live more healthy. The foods discussed below will help change your eye color and help you see better.
Meats are rich in various minerals like zinc and magnesium which are helpful in bringing about color changes in the iris. Meat products provide us with a power house of proteins necessary to maintain all the vital processes of the body. They also help in sustaining a continuous state of well being.
Spinach is rich in zeaxanthin and carotenoids lutein which render youthfulness to your eyes. The high content of iron in spinach makes your eyes brighter. One cup of raw spinach yields 27 calories of energy. It is power packed with magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and folate. It is known to be enriched with alpha-lipoic acid which prevents stress induced changes to the body. A diet full of spinach helps in preventing cancer, asthma, lowers high blood pressure and amplifies bone strength. It also promotes healthy skin and hair.
An extra amount of honey in your diet can greatly enhance the color of your eyes. However, the honey needs to be organic. Persistent usage of this magical concoction will yield you a lighter shade of your natural color. It is a rich source of all sugars essential for excellent health. A rich concentration of fructose (38.2%) makes it an ideal addition to the diet of males. It helps calm down acid reflux in the body and eases out wounds and burns. It is our first line of defense against fighting infections.
The regular use of onions in the diet has shown gradual changes in eye color and also, in the skin. Onions are also vital in reducing chances of colorectal cancers. These sulphur rich compounds are also infused with vitamin C and works wonders for your skin and hair. A major constituent of onions, folate, is known to alleviate depression and helps cure insomnia. This also keeps the appetite in check.
If you are keen on changing your eye color, nuts are the primary source of nutrition you should incorporate in your diet. Almonds are the lowest calorie nuts yielding six grams of protein and fourteen grams of fat per twenty-three nuts. Add a variety of nuts to your diet to witness a gradual lightening of your eye color. Avoid using roasted nuts as their nutrients have already been destroyed by exposing them to high temperatures.
This rhizome is known for its magical powers at reducing the inflammation of the colon thereby preventing colon cancer. It greatly reduces muscular aches, nausea as a result of chemotherapy and ovarian cancer. Research has proved that ginger reduces the symptoms of asthma and heals liver damage caused by over medication. It is also known to relieve the symptoms of dysmenorrheal. It is, in addition to all this, wonderful at bringing gradual changes to your eye color.