4 Dangerous STDs You Might Contract Unknowingly


Genital herpes is caused by two viruses: Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV1), which usually affects your mouth as cold sores, and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV2), which mainly targets your genitals.

Sexual contact can spread your partner’s oral herpes to your genitals or her genital herpes to your mouth. The virus can be spread even if you—or your partner—don’t have any signs of it.

Wearing condoms can help protect you, but not completely: They’re only 80 percent effective for preventing herpes transmission, says Dr. Ghanem. That’s partly because the virus can live on parts of your skin that aren’t covered by the condom.

Signs of herpes: Up to 70 percent of people infected with the virus don’t have symptoms.

If you do, you may notice blisters or ulcers on your genitals, or just feel some burning and itching.

When first infected, some patients will develop fevers, chills, swollenlymph nodes, headaches, and fatigue.

How to detect herpes: Have your doctor take a look at any suspicious sores.

How to treat herpes: There’s no cure for genital herpes, but antiviral drugs can ease your symptoms, according to the CDC.


HPV, which comprises more than 150 related viruses, is the most common STI, according to the CDC.

There are two main types: low risk, which usually only cause genital warts, and high risk, which can lead to penile, anal, and cancers. You can catch it via intercourse, oral sex, or even skin-to-skin contact during sex.

Using condoms during sex can help reduce, but not eliminate, your chances of infection, says Michael Krychman, M.D., executive director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health.

Signs of HPV: “HPV almost never has visible symptoms,” says Herbenick.

Most strains don’t cause warts, and when they do, they’re often tiny—not like the
“scare photos” from your high school’s health class

How to detect HPV: Unfortunately, there are no currently recommended tests to detect HPV in men, Dr. Ghanem says.

How to treat HPV: While warts can be frozen off, removing the lesion doesn’t cure your infection. The warts can recur and the infection can still be spread.