There are several reasons for loss of sexual appetite, the foods discussed below would help boost your sexual appetite.
On its own, the shape of bananas is libido-inspiring. Better still, banana contains an enzyme known as bromelain, which is believed to increase libido and reverse impotence in men. Additionally, they are good sources of potassium and B vitamins like riboflavin, which increase the body’s overall energy levels, says Professor of Physiology at the University of Florida, Penelope Perkins-Veazie.
Avocado doesn’t just look like testicle, it also contains high levels of folic acid, which helps metabolise proteins, thus giving you more energy. Reproduction specialist, George Brewer, notes that avocado also containsvitamin B6 (a nutrient that increases male hormone production) and potassium (which helps regulate a woman’s thyroid gland), two elements that help increase libido in both men and women.
Watermelon contains citrulline, an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels thereby increasing your sex drive. There have been multiple attempts to introduce L-citrulline in natural health supplements, however, cells absorb the active ingredient from unpasteurized watermelon juice better than supplements or even plain water spiked with the compound, suggesting the watermelons are the optimal delivery medium.
Nuts are a prime source of essential fatty acids. These are vital, as they provide the raw material for a man’s healthy production of hormones .
Very popular in the Northern parts of Nigeria, dates are packed with amino acids for sexual stamina as well as a good dose of fruity sugars which make them sweet and an amazing pickup.
A Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine, Christos Mantzoros, says eggs are high in vitamins B6 and B5, which help to balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are crucial to a healthy libido. Eggs are also a symbol of fertility and rebirth.
Celery may not be the food of choice that you dream of when thinking sex, but it is a great source food for sexual stimulation. Celery contains the hormone androsterone, a naturally occurring steroid found in human sweat and urine which is released through perspiration. It’s odorless, but it signals “maleness” and virility as a pheromone. It basically signals the brain centers in women to increase their sexual appetite when triggered. Celery is best eaten raw and should never be cooked.
While you don’t want to be stinking of garlic during a passionate lip lock, garlic contains allicin, an ingredient that increases blood flow to the sexual organs. This trick doesn’t work overnight however as you need to consume it for about a month to reap its rewards.
Figs are excellent sources of amino acids that increase libido. They can also improve sexual stamina. Amino acids play a vital role in normal sexual function and will help increase the level of nitric oxide in the body. The fig is said to increase sexual stamina as well as having a sexual appearance, flavour and smell to heighten all our senses to improve our mood and let our libido rise from their slumber. Packed with potassium, manganese, and antioxidants, this fruit also helps support proper pH levels in the body.
“In the 21st century, those of us who know about botanical-ceuticals know that ginger helps circulation temperature adjustment, mucoid detoxification and also a libido enhancer. Whether raw, in supplement form, or added to your favorite recipe or drink, ginger also lends itself to defense against winter’s hard cold and flu season. Because trying to get frisky with a runny nose never ends well
Chocolate contains theobromine — an alkaloid that is very similar to caffeine. It also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical believed to produce the feeling of “being in love.” Experts add that dark chocolate has a massive amount of anti-oxidants, which are great for the body in general, as they help maintain the immune system.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which is important for testosterone production in men and helps boost libido. They are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which act as a precursor for prostaglandins, which play a key role in sexual health. They are also great for prostate health! The oil in pumpkin seeds alleviates difficult urination that happens with an enlarged prostate.
Nutritionists say salmon is a great source of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA that help maintain the fluidity of our cell membranes. Brewer says they keep our cardiovascular systems healthy by reducing inflammation, preventing excessive blood clotting, and keeping fats in the blood at healthy levels. The same omega-3 fats are also found in other fatty fish like tuna, black cod, halibut, and mackerel, nutritionists say.
If you like it hot and spicy, this one will bring a smile on your face! Chillies contain capsaicin, a chemical which also increases blood flow and triggers the release of mood-enhancing endorphins that naturally pump up your libido. Chili peppers are also a heart-healthy food.
Green vegetables
Fresh spinach and other green vegetables contain high amounts of chlorophyll, which purifies the blood and helps to increase blood flow. Some also contain essential fatty acids like omega 3 and 6. They’re a rich source of vitamins, including the fat-soluble A and K, and C, as well as minerals that keep the body rich in alkaline and improve energy levels.
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