Packaged Cereals
Here is another marketing ploy that has worked well. Many people believe packaged cereals are a healthy choice for breakfast.
Perhaps they use to be at one time, but now cereals are laden with everything you absolutely are trying to avoid. Sugar being the first one. Some cereals list sugar as their second ingredient!
Right behind that GMO corn they are using.
Think that you are eating “healthy” cereals? Think again. Kashi, one of the best known “healthy” cereals, contains GMO products.
Quaker Oats uses sulfuryl fluoride to store their oats. This chemical is a toxic gas and hardly “natural.”
Also, all those little shapes like puffs or stars or O’s are made by a machine called an extruder. This mixes the grains with water and then at a high temperature, shoots it out little holes into those shapes. Almost all nutrients are cooked out of the grains during this process.
You should note too that all cereals contain artificial colors, flavors, and huge amounts of preservatives. Cereals don’t have to be bad, though.
Packaged Diet Snacks
We’re talking about those popular little 100 calorie “diet” snack packs which are so appealing because you figure you won’t overeat if you eat just one of these little packages.
Honestly now, how many of you actually eat only one package? No matter how cute they are, the bad nutritional content inside doesn’t change with the packaging.
Think about it: a piece of fruit is also only 100 calories. In order make these snacks tasty they frequently contain unnamed artificial sweeteners, or plain old sugar. Oh, excuse me, that would be corn syrup; GMO corn syrup.
Now, we know artificial sweeteners are not good for you, but why won’t the manufacturers name the ingredients in their food? What are they hiding or what is it that they don’t want you to know?
If you don’t know what is in your food, then don’t eat it.
Choose a piece of fresh, organic fruit instead. You will be much more satisfied and your body will appreciate it.
Mechanically Produced Hamburgers
When you see those large packages of industrially produced hamburgers, think of this: Crowded cattle that are raised in filthy stalls pumped full of antibiotics and hormones, eating diets that are, at best, revolting.
Your single hamburger patty doesn’t come from just one animal, either, but rather, it’s a combination of hundreds of cows. That means there is a bigger risk for E.coli contamination.
This ground beef also contains something you may have heard of recently, called pink slime. Pink slime is the fat that the slaughter house cuts off the meat portion of the cow. It used to be sold only as dog food, but now this pink slime is doused with ammonia, then ground up with the meat itself as filler.
The USDA doesn’t think this pink slime needs to be labeled since, in their logic, it IS part of the cow, therefore, in their minds anyway, it’s beef. Doesn’t that sound good on the family grill?
Be safe and eat healthy. Eat only grass fed beef.
The Post Originally Appeared on