10 Ways To Combat Type 2 Diabetes

10 Ways To Combat Type 2 Diabetes

Absolute cure for Type 2 diabetes may not exist, but the 10 things discussed below would put up a good fight against it.

10 Ways To Combat Type 2 Diabetes

Red wine

People with diabetes who drank 5 oz of wine with dinner (while on a Mediterranean diet) had lower cholesterol and some improvement in blood glucose levels, compared with those who drank water, in a recent trial. (They were probably happier, too, but now we’re just guessing.) Ethanol in alcohol may help control glucose; other good stuff in red wine (antioxidants!) has benefits, too. Diabetes rates are 52% lower among older adults who eat a Mediterranean diet including olive oil, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Walking After Eating

Working muscles soak up glucose better than sedentary ones do, so physical activity—especially right after eating—helps regulate blood sugar. Get your daily 30 minutes of movement after meals, and think “exercise in disguise”—getting up during TV commercials, walking during phone calls, taking the dog out, or working in the garden.


Acid in vinegar seems to control blood sugar by slowing your body’s absorption of carbohydrates and dulling hunger so you eat less. Eating 1 or 2 Tbsp (say, on a salad) with a carb-heavy meal has been shown to reduce blood sugar spikes by a quarter to over a third.

Olive oil

Healthy monounsaturated fats in olive oil have been linked to lower diabetes risk. But don’t add it in without trading out your butter or mayo; cutting both dietary and body fat is a diabetes-treatment cornerstone because it boosts the body’s sensitivity to insulin, the hormone that helps cells use blood sugar for energy.

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