Warning! 12 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat After Age 30


Iced Coffee

Drinking a caffeinated beverage out of a straw which is how most of us drink our daily iced coffee speeds up skin-aging.

During the day, we’re exposed to skin-stressors like UV rays, but while we sleep our cells repair themselves. However, downing too much caffeine can interfere with sleep quality, cutting into this rejuvenation time and prematurely aging the skin. Also, researchers have found that repetitive facial movements, like sipping through a straw, can cause fine lines and wrinkles.


Coffee Ice Cream

Coffee ice cream has the caffeine equivalent to a half-shot of espresso is not healthy for someone above 30 years. It can take more of a toll on the body.

“As we age, our circadian rhythms change, as do our hormones, which can make us more sensitive to caffeine and affect our ability to sleep soundly,” says Smith.

Wondering why you need more sleep? A recent study of more than 500 participants, researchers found that losing a mere 30 minutes of shut-eye increased their risk of obesity by 17 percent. Also, metabolism slows down as we age, so slacking on shut-eye will only add fuel to the waist-expanding fire


Bacon is a meat product prepared from pork and usually cured. It is first cured using large quantities of salt, either in a brine or in a dry packing; the result is fresh bacon.

Bacon may make your skin start to sag well before your AARP card arrives. Wondering why? Sixty-eight percent of bacon’s calories come from fat, with almost half of that being the saturated variety. Besides contributing to weight gain and increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke, saturated fats can cause inflammation that accelerates skin aging.

Bacon and other processed meats also contain sodium nitrate which, according to a 2013 study published in the journal European Cytokine Network, enhances oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can cause structural changes in collagen and elastin (the proteins that keep skin looking young), resulting in premature wrinkles


Alcohol sucks the moisture out of your skin, which temporarily makes fine lines more noticeable and, over time if you continue to booze, causes the skin to lose elasticity and form wrinkles.

As we age, the body doesn’t metabolize alcohol as efficiently, and drunk junk food cravings become harder to ignore, warns registered dietitian Martha McKittrick.

“It’s also increasingly difficult to get a good night’s rest with alcohol in your system. While you may have been able to get away with minimal sleep in your 20’s, that’s not the case in your 30’s and beyond. Sleepless nights lead to carb and sugar cravings the next day, which can contribute to further weight gain,” McKittrick explains.

Sports Drinks

It is true that Sports Ddrink provides critical post-workout electrolytes, like sodium and potassium, but it also serves up a hearty helping of calories and sugar. And the fact is, you likely don’t need the extra calories and sugar found in the sports drinks when you’re more than 30 year old.

As we age, our metabolism slows, we’re also less active and more stressed which can change the way that the body metabolizes calories and sugar.

Conventional Produce

Reaching 30 means that you’ve had three decades to accumulate toxins from food, which can negatively affect metabolism and hormone balance, explains Smith. Researchers have also found that men who consume the most pesticides through produce have far fewer motile sperm than guys who’ve eaten the least not good news if you’re trying to start or expand your family. The most popular produce that has the highest amounts of pesticides and should be organic whenever possible include: apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.