9 Things You Should Know About Energy Drinks

9 Things You Should Know About Energy Drinks

9 Things You Should Know About Energy Drinks

Here are the hazardous things to know about energy drink, read below

  • They contain tremendous amounts of caffeine. An average cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine. An average energy drink? Some more than 500 mg. Because they are listed with the FDA as a “nutritional supplement”, nothing in energy drinks is regulated or controlled. In small amounts caffeine is harmless, but taken in higher doses; it can cause an extreme elevation in blood pressure, heart rates and abnormal heart rhythms. Some emergency room doctors state that they have even had cases of seizures and deaths related to energy drinks.
  • Too many energy drinks can lead to severe headaches from the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Changing the amount of caffeine you ingest daily can cause more frequent headaches.
  • Energy drinks do a good job of keeping people awake, but when abused, they can cause some people to miss sleep altogether. This lack of sleep causes impaired functioning and can be dangerous to drive or perform other concentration heavy tasks.
  • Most energy drinks also contain large amounts of sugar. Consuming just one energy drink per day can put you over your daily maximum recommended level of sugar intake per day. They can eventually wear out the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, which leads to type 2 diabetes.
  • Some of the ingredients in energy drinks can interact with prescription medications especially medications taken for depression.
  • People can become addicted to caffeine and energy drinks. This can lead to lack of functioning when unable to have the energy drink or a financial stress from having to buy several energy drinks daily.
  • It’s the combination of sugar, caffeine, and taurine in most energy drinks that seem to have a detrimental effect on the heart. Doctors at University of Bonn in Germany recently presented a study showing that, after one hour, those who consumed an energy drink experienced a 6 per cent increase in the heart contraction rate. Energy drinks alter heart function and it is unknown, at this time, what the long term effects of this might be
  • Too many energy drinks can lead to vomiting. This causes dehydration and acid erosion of teeth and esophagus if frequent.
  • Caffeinated products like energy drinks can elevate a person’s blood pressure. For those with normal blood pressure, this isn’t concerning, but those with already elevated blood pressure could be placing themselves at risk of stroke and other health problems related to hypertension if they consume too many energy drinks in a short period of time. The research. A more recent study conducted by The Mayo Clinic found that Rockstar Energy Drink (240 mg version) significantly raised the blood pressure of study participants compared to the placebo drink. Overall, there was a 6.4% increase in average blood pressure.

9 Things You Should Know About Energy Drinks